
A servent of Allah. A Girl to a core. Dreamer. Rebel. Narcissist. Story-teller. A Wife and a mom.

I am Asbah. A muslim by birth and choice, Accountant by way of studies, an artist at heart, house wife by profession and a mom to two toddlers.

Currently living in Cayman Islands with my kids and occasionally with a husband too ;). (He’s terribly busy these days to come back home) and baking & Crafting to keep myself sane with the three.

I have always been enchanted by words and colors, and have been writing and crafting as long as I remember. My stories would revolve around my Universe. Me. Myself. I.

But stories are thing of past for me now, this blog will feature more of my struggles and comforts as a mommy, our cooking and crafting adventures and a rant or two in between ;).

An old about me here: https://wordpress.com/post/amuslimmama.com/6

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